Monday, December 9, 2013

This is it

Voice activated programs have grown in multiple industries and this ground-breaking technology has benefits, both in the non-business and business area. Pertaining to business based-benefits, we observe an increase in productivity and a decrease in costs for the company, when using speech recognition technology. However, there are also various non-business based benefits with voice recognition software applications. Those programs help people who suffer from disabilities such as blindness, dyslexia, or physical disabilities and thus who cannot manipulate a keyboard properly.
It has always been a challenge for the computer to understand human voices or how the syntactic structure of a sentence constitutes a meaning. Voice recognition has been integrated into operating systems including iOS, Android, Windows, Mac OS, and also forms a basis of Google’s search engine where users could speak the search query.
Concerning the use of voice-recognition within education, for students, more and more are using computers to do homework, much of which involves text inputting and editing. However they may not know they can “type” text in a much more efficient and creative way - using speech recognition.
Concerning our day to day life, it sure can be said, that the development of Voice Command Systems in cars has not only been created but already revolutionized the interaction between driver and vehicle. However, there are endless possibilities which will give a vehicle not only a strong functionality but also a character.
Finally, Direct Voice Input (DVI) was developed to automate in flight communication systems, so that the pilots can actually focus on more important information. DVI was implemented in the early part of the 21st century. Direct Voice Input does not compromise flight safety, but actually enhances it. Pilots work environment is becoming more efficient and manageable thanks to the optimization of DVI.

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